Friday, December 9, 2016


Shabnam Nabizade, participants Internation Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) XIII of the Azerbaijan State claimed in awe of the sights Uluwatu is located in Badung, Bali Province.

"Bali is amazingly beautiful, especially the Uluwatu area which has many temples and wild monkeys. I love Indonesian people, they are very nice and friendly, I really enjoyed all of it in Bali, "Reveal Shabnam, in Pandavas Beach, South Kuta, Badung, Bali, on Wednesday (7/12).

Shabnam had time to compare several sites in the country with those in Indonesia, especially the charm of the beach and the mountain in Bali. "In my country, there are no beaches or mountains. We're just one big lake, and the Caspian Sea, "he said. Caspian Sea or Mazandaran Sea is a lake with an area of ​​371 000 km2, and is known as the largest lake in the world.

Shabnam said that trip that he traveled from country to Bali so far. But tiredness and fatigue was relieved when viewed Bali. He admitted very happy to be in Bali. "Perjalan to Indonesia takes 14 hours. It's the first time for me. "

Shabnam does not have a target in IJSO 13th, although he was prepared for 4 months. "Not so sure I can be a medal, but I'll try harder again, and God willing I will get a medal," said Physics Lovers this.

On Wednesday, participants IJSO given the opportunity to visit a number of attractions. One of them is Turkish Pandavas. All participants IJSO very impressed to see the charm of the beach.

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