Friday, December 9, 2016


Coverage IJSO (International Junior Science Olympiad) 2016

Experimental test as the last test for IJSO-2016 delegates had finally passed. Previously, the participants had completed two other tests: multiple choice test and theory test.

Experimental test was conducted in group consisted of three persons. Surely, in this type of setting, teamwork, ego control and excellent strategy.

Similar to delegates of Zimbabwe, Kudana Gwatidzo, Thomas Lindsay and Zaynah Abdulla, who felt that their teamwork were outstanding which then made them feel the test was very easy. 

"We were very happy after finishing all the three tests. Experimental test was the easiest one of all because our friends were with us to help. We can discuss and implement excellent teamwork," they said.

In the case of debate inside the team, delegates of Zimbabwe understood it was normal and inevitable for people who are working in team.

"In experimental test, there was a debate, but it was the positive one as well as constructive. Each of us checked the work and corrected when there was any error," said them who had no doubt about getting the best result in the test.

Ego problem is something they had to put attention to, specifically for working in team. For this, Zimbabwe team had their own solution to control their own ego. 

"For ego problem, we trust our teammates, do our best and put our personal ego aside because we're here to compete with team from other countries, not with our own teammates," they explained. 

In modern soccer, a strategy said that attacking was the best defense. So was in Zimbabwe team of experimental test. They had excellent strategy added with epic teamwork.

"The key of success in this test actually is only good strategy and epic teamwork. In this test, we help each other when there was difficulty. We divided role to every team member and made sure everyone got their own portion of responsibility," said Zaynah Abdulla. "Before starting, we agreed in job distribution, so we didn waste time during the test. For example myself did chemistry while others did biology and physics," she added.

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